Dear Future Me

So I'm always one for writing lists but I can honestly say that I've never done it for my goals before. Maybe, it's because I don't have any tangible goals or maybe I just find it odd. At the age of 20, I'm still not sure what to do with my life.

I'm happy right now and I know that I've changed and grown over the last few years especially. I love my life right now but know that it'll have to change in the future. I have so much to do and so much to learn.

I just watched Troye Sivan's second video of 2015, which is titled "Dear Future Me".

While I love watching YouTubers and I acting like a proud friend every time they accomplish amazing goal after goal, it also scares the crap out of me. I know that they started from the bottom like everyone else but they are all doing so bloody well.

My goals surely won't be anything like Troye's but I'm not him, so why would they be? Without further pointless scribbling, here goes:

Dear future me,

- Did you move to England to study?
- Did you figure out how to live on your own?
- Have you become more confident and better at socializing?
- Have you made any new friends and did you keep your old ones close?
- Have you helped people in any way, be that through charity or random acts of kindness?
- Did you get into a relationship this year?
- Did you stay happy and healthy (preferable you've begun to eat a bit healthier)?
- Have you remembered to talk, really talk, to your loving family?
- Did you stick to your plans of studying for (most) classes?
- Did you write something that you were proud of?
- Did you come a step closer to figuring out what you want after your bachelor degree?
- Most importantly of all; did you have fun and remember to enjoy yourself?

When I, hopefully, return to this blog in January 2016 I hope that I can answer yes to all of the questions above. Or maybe not yes, but at least go on a positive ramble on each question. After all, they are hardly yes or no-questions. But that's not who I am, so I guess that makes sense.

Everything depends on its surroundings or its circumstances. I am excited, although a bit unsure of what this year will bring. I haven't ever had a really bad year and I am grateful for that. I've never really had a year where everything was great either. What ever 2015 will bring, I know it'll be a combination of ups and downs because life isn't a straight line. It's a bumbling road that constantly reminds you that you're alive.

Over and out. See you, future me. ;)


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