Tivoli at Christmas time

It isn't often that you remember to stop and enjoy the wonderful sights around you. Especially when you are in your native country you might forget to stop and enjoy the beauty. I live in the outskirts of Copenhagen and visit Tivoli maybe every third month but often I forget to stop and really take a proper look.

During Christmas time they put so many lights all around the trees, buildings and rides at Tivoli and the sight is truly stunning if you remember to stop and look at it. Mostly it's tourists, international or national, roaming the place with their cameras out but today I did as well.

I had hung out with my two oldest girlfriends and we had been doing some shopping, although I hate shopping but I would want to do anything to spend time with those lovelies. I had an nearly an hour to kill before I had to meet my family for dinner in 'Grøften' (a famous restaurant inside Tivoli).

I scanned my ticket and entered through one of the side entrances, the one right near 'Den gamle rutchebane' which is my all time favourite ride. I put in my headphones and shuffled Ed Sheran's newest album and walked to get a special kind of sweets that I always buy whenever I'm in Tivoli.

While I was walking, I was left alone with my thoughts and it was kind of wonderful. I found myself smiling and moving my lips along to the lyrics while I viewed the beautiful display of lights. The sun had just gone down an hour earlier and the weather was clear and crisp. My cheeks felt red and frosty but I didn't feel cold at all.

After having gotten the sweets I realised that I should be taking photos to capture Tivoli's beauty. It occurred that I could write a blog post to share it if anyone ever wondered how Tivoli looked at Christmas time. Despite a slight mishap with my phone getting too cold and shutting down, I had a great time. Below is a selection of my photos for your (and my own) viewing pleasure.

I hope that the photos managed to capture some of the wonderful atmosphere from Tivoli. I hope I'll remember to stop, every once in a while, to look at the places and the people around you. You have to move forward in life but you must remember to appreciate and enjoy the moment too.

In a few days, 2014 will come to an end. It's been an amazing year but I have a feeling 2015 may hold even greater adventures. I'm so excited!


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