A new way to express myself

Hello to whoever ends up reading this...

I am a first year student at a university in Denmark and I love to write. Everything and anything. I always grab my trusted MacAir and punch on the keyboard every time an idea sticks with me or I find something new to make lists of, like exercise program, grades or a complete list of all the technology I have ever owned and more.

I have over a dusin half finished novels and two that actually made it to a somewhat finished state - I have posted those on www.wattpad.com/user/SecretNRB and they are original stories although I am pretty sure that site is known for underage girls writing fan fictions. 

August 2013 I finally "discovered" the world and extent of Youtube and now follow over 50 channels and it both excites me and frightens me how much time I now spend on the video broadcasting site. The YouTubers were actually the ones that indirectly inspired me to start blogging. Some of my favorites even started out as bloggers and although I know that I would never be able to make the transition, I thought I should at least start a blog which is less intimidating for me and no one will probably read it, unless I decide to share the link with family and friends...

I think I will use the blog as a sort of diary or at least a way to recap my days for my own enjoyment. I always found it easy to talk about myself and my preferences and I absolutely love any form of websites and I can't believe I haven't started a online blog before. 

Maybe I won't even use it or maybe it will become my new best friend and confidant and if I am really lucky, some nice people might stumble across it. Who knows...

This will be my space to be weird and write whatever comes through my fingertips as I sit down in front of the computer. Bye!


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