Done with exams & summer vacation

I bet that most people that attend school will agree with me that nothing is better than having finished that last exam. It's not that I don't enjoy school, actually I really love it but it is so nice finally have free time. However that means less structure, and although it is nice to flop around on the couch, that can get boring in the long run.
So I'm at that point now since it is one and a half weeks since I finished my last exam. Luckily, my last one was an oral exam and I scored an A. It's okay to be proud of yourself and I am very please with the preparation work I put into that. However I slouched a bit on the written ones but you can't win them all.
On to my actual point of writing this post. One of my all time favourite YouTubers PointlessBlog made a nice video, ( ), that inspired me to make a list of 25 things myself that I want to get done in the many months ahead of me. Granted, I haven't picked out any of the things yet and my list might be slightly shorter.

25 Things I Want To Do This Summer:
1: Swim in the ocean
2: Get an ice-cream
3: Rent a cano with my family
4: Go running at least once a week
5: Help someone
6: Get a much-needed haircut
7: Read a minimum of five books
8: Keep updating my stories on Wattpad
9: Go for a walk or run with my dog every day
10: Buy new clothes for summer
11: Get along with my family for our three week vacation abroad
12: Visit my grandmother and spend time with her
13: Train my horse to be ready for competitions in the fall
14: See my best friends at least two times a months
15: Spend more time outside and less on the internet
16: Help out my little brother with his exercises
17: Practice my English language
18: Swim with dolphins
19: Practice cooking and especially baking skills
20: Go to the dentist for the first time in 2 years
21: Refrain from start watching new TV shows
22: Control alcohol consumption (when out only drink one item an hour)
23: Be openminded about listening to new music
24: Try a new kind of food
25: Take a photos at least once a day to document my summer

Well, I guess I could come up with 25 things. Not sure if I would have been able to make up some better ones but these where the ones that came to mind when I sat down to write this post.
If anyone ends up reading this I encourage you to make a list yourself and structure your summer a bit. This way, I also hope that when I go back to school in September I won't be too overwhelmed.

I will check back at the end of summer to see how many points on my list I completed. In the meantime I'm going on a three week vacation to USA (Los Angeles, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Hawaii) and hope to make a post on each location from a foreigner's point of view and what I would recommend doing there.


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