Healthy chicken and veggies recipe

I thought I would do something new and different for a post today. I wanted to share my chicken and vegetable recipe (and I wanted to have a guideline to follow the next time I make it myself).
Within the last half year or so, I've gotten more into cooking and experimenting with making my own recipes and most of them turn out just alright but this one I really liked!

You'll need these ingredients for 4 people:
1 head of broccoli
1 leek
1 pack of baby sprouts (you could also use bean sprouts)
1 pack of sugar snap peas
1 can of canned corn
300 grams of chicken (I prefer chicken tenderloin)
300 ml of coconut milk
300 grams of noodles (I prefer egg & durum wheat noodles)
1 splash of olive oil (or any other food oil you have on hand)
Salt and pepper to your taste
Additionally I like to use soy sauce on the finished dish because I like the taste when it mixes with the coconut milk.

Ignore the Nutella and the random glass in the background. Our kitchen is always messy and besides I love Nutella so its always standing on the table. I like to put my favourite song of the moment on repeat and that just makes cooking more fun. This time I used Troye Sivan's single Happy Little Pill. It's a bit slow for cooking and normally I would opts for a more up-beat song. 

Firstly heat up a liter of water, either in a pot or a boiler (I would use a boiler if you have one). Then chop your broccoli head into florets and pop them into the boiling water in a pot and let that sit on your stove on medium heat until you can stick a fork into it and the broccoli slides off when you lift it above the pan. If you want them to be done faster make small florets (mine got a big too big). 

Contine with the chopping of the leek and the chicken. For the leek, chop of the white end and the green dried out parts. Then slice it all. 

If you chose chicken tenderloin, you'll just need to slice it into bite sizes pieces. Then put chicken and leek into a big pan on low heat. I splash some olive oil on the pan to add to the flavour. 

If your broccoli is not finished yet, it should be soon and you should heat up another liter of water in your boiler for the noodles. Meanwhile slice up the sugar snaps. 

Remember to stir in the pan and then if your broccoli is finished, throw them into a sieve and maybe splash some cold water on them briefly (mine where very hot when the dish was finished).

Then throw broccoli florets, sliced sugar peas and the baby sprouts into your pan.

Oh, and don't forget about the canned corn!

Now you should have another liter of boiling water and a pot free (from the broccoli) to boil your noodles. Add a pinch of salt. 

Remember to press everything into the pot when its loosed up a bit. I would recommend following the time printed on the packages (usually about 5-ish minutes) as to how long they should cook. Otherwise a good indicator is when the water becomes white-ish, like this:

Now it would be time for your coconut milk to be added. It really lives up the dish and mixes wonderfully with the vegetables. 

By now your dish should simmer lovely and your noodles boiling nearly finished. I like to make the coconut milk boil a bit in the pan at the very finish while finish setting the table and call my family down.

Filling the glasses and with the soy sauce on the table, we're almost ready. The noodles are left in the sieve in the sink. Note the cute Micky Mouse plates - they're my favourite!

Finally a close up of one plateful, I can assure you I filled up more than once ;)

If you have read this, I hope you enjoyed and will consider making the dish. It's quite healthy and light and filled with lovely vegetables. The beauty of this dish though is that you can just substitute the vegetables with whatever other vegetables you have leftover in the fridge.

I've never done a post like this before and I excuse if it isn't very well constructed. I'm still very new to this blogging thing but so far I'm really enjoying it! :D


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