The Thing About...
I want to start a series on here. In general, I've played around with this blog for a long time - over 2 years actually even though it doesn't feel like that long. I'm excited to get some structure on it and pour some more time into writing, which is honestly one of my favourite things to do.
I have opinions on a lot of things. However, I like to be quite well informed before I speak out about them just to make sure I haven't missed something that would change my view. On the contrary though, I do know opinions can change over time and even if you have a beautiful fully-formed opinion something might still come along and make you change your mind just moments later. I think that's the beauty of it really.
I'm not done learning and I never will be. All I can do is speak honestly and with the best intention and hope any mistakes I make can be forgiven and any ignorance I display can be trampled by knowledge I learn in the future.
By a Girl who Loves to Write aka Me
So I want to start talking about topics on here, mostly topics that are tied to some personal experiences in some way or are something that I'm very passionate about. That's the kind of stuff that's edging to get out of my brain and be put into sentences. I don't think myself capable of giving expert advice but I do know it's good to hear what other people think and experience. It's also just a way for me to personally work through whatever is on my mind. If I write it down, I actually get a better idea of what's going on inside my buzzing brain where it's difficult to separate the thoughts.
When I'm around people I can have fun and be happy but it's only when I'm alone I can properly think. I peel away the social layers and only have to be in my own company.
Found on Tumblr - it's probably meant to be dark and stuff but I don't see it that way
I love to think and to create stories in my mind. I let my imagination form characters and storylines that I don't fully understand before I'm sat in front of a computer typing my heart away. It's the same with my personal opinion and dotting down my experiences, it's a mass of "noise" in my head and putting them down into words makes the chaos go away. It brings back order.
It'll also be quite fun to be able to look back and see what I thought about specific things. I hope I don't write something that'll make me cringe too hard but let's be honest, I probably will. Everything I experience throughout my whole life will teach me something and make me more informed, henceforth might make me feel different about things than I did before. And that's the magic of this whole thing called life, isn't it?
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