Believing in Your Instinctive Drive

I've always been someone, who believes in trusting your gut instinct. If you have a good feeling about something, you should pursue it. Yesterday, as I was trying to fall asleep my mind would not turn off. It kept running wild with interesting ideas. I got out my phone and typed a few choice words for some of them. One of the concepts is kind of absurd and based on an example from a movie I watched months ago. I swear my mind does odd things when left to its own devices. But hear me out because I think I arrived at an important point.

In July, I watched a movie called Salmon Fishing in the Yemen about the absurd idea of having a whole bunch of salmon transported to Yemen, where the fish doesn't occur naturally and the waters are hotter than their usual environment. I don't know much about fishing but one of the final scenes suddenly seemed like the perfect example. Bear with me, I will eventually get to it.

After a lot of trouble, the main characters finally manage to bring a whole bunch of salmon to Yemen. However, it is not wild salmon as originally planned but rather farm-fed salmon. This causes one major problem; salmon are supposed to jump upstream to breed and it's vital they do this as their offspring won't make it otherwise.

These fish have never jumped in their life. They've lived inside of barrels and never seen an open river. Would they jump? They've had no one to teach them. Would pure instinct be enough? Would they know to swim upstream, which is considerably harder, rather than just going along with the flow? Would they know to take the though but right path?

They bloody jump! You see one turn underwater and slowly but surely others does as well. They jump up the small waterfall, like they've never done anything else their entire life.

Found on Google - I wanted a GIF from the movie but I couldn't find one, so I settled with this photo

A lot of chaos happens in the movie after that but it is irrelevant to this post, though I would still recommend anyone to watch the film. It's just a nice feel-good movie. Trailer here.

I have no idea why this scene kept invading my mind yesterday while I was supposed to be asleep but it did. It made me think that these fish figured out what to do by purely relying on their instincts. They didn't have any outside forces pressuring them to behave a certain way. They just felt an instinctive drive to do what was right for them.

That's pretty incredible and I believe it can translate to us. I'm someone, who still isn't sure what I want to do but I do know where I feel at home. When I get into a situation where I'm comfortable, I feel so much more at ease. I work better and I discover things about myself that I didn't even know.

If you're in the right environment, you will thrive and flourish. You should trust where your mind urges you to go. When you get to a place or you are with certain people, which "fit" you, you'll feel at home. You'll suddenly learn capabilities you didn't know you possessed before you got to the right place. 
By a Girl who Loves to Write aka Me

I think the text above is the longest I've ever but in quotation marks like that. Oops? The entire thing is what I typed out as notes while my mind was running wild in the middle of the night. I really like it, even though it's a figment of my midnight rambles by a mind that didn't want to turn off.

I think it's a really important point. You learn more and more about yourself as you move through life. You might make mistakes and end up on paths that don't suit you but actually that's kind of good, though it can feel horrible in the moment. It makes you learn what doesn't work for you.

When you make it onto the right path, it will just feel so right. You'll flourish in ways you couldn't even imagine because now you've got the right fertiliser beneath your roots.


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