A Day Filled with Animals
I've always loved animals from I was a little girl. I grew up in a household that has always had a dog and each has been special in their own way. I've loved horses from a very young age as well, even if a fall at age five kept me away from them for seven years. I never used to understand cats because I didn't know cats well enough but after befriending many stable cats through the years, I've come to appreciate the felines as well. This post is about a day filled to the brim with animals and my love for them.
I didn't have a great day yesterday. Not at all in fact but I do not wish to dwell on that because I woke this morning with renewed energy. Sure, the wrongness from yesterday still lingered but I got up fairly early and took my time waking up and lounging around and then I begun my day, which accidentally or maybe merely as a result of a subconscious decision got filled with lots of animal love.
I started the day out by driving Hallie to an open spaced area we use as somewhat of a dog park. Mind you the area is filled with a lot of other things occasionally; sheep, scouts, children, role players, joggers and so forth. But a lot of dog owners take their dogs for a walk off their leads as well. Hallie absolutely adores the place and always makes a point to sprint around like she's a cheetah and not a dog. It was the perfect way to start the morning after having hardly left the bed.
Second up on the agenda was a visit to my horse. She'd just turned 14 two days ago and I had yet to do anything special for her. Obviously, she didn't know when her birthday was but I did and I felt guilt curling into my stomach over not being able to see her on her birthday. Hence, why I decided to have a chill day full of lush grass and bonding. I took her grazing out on the back fields with tall grass for over half and hour. Afterwards, we did ten minutes of training from the ground based on principals from Horsemanship. It's always a fun and different way and being able to move her just by hovering my finger near her or getting her to follow me as a second nature is a beautiful thing.

Afterwards, I went down to get some bedding for her home while she munched on lunch. I spotted two of the bigger kittens currently at the stables and decided to grab them and put them back where they live in a currently unused stall. I managed even if the small boogers avoided me at first, but they could just jump up and out already. Sighing, I admitted defeat and pushed my initial worry aside. They are around ten weeks now and ready for new homes, so hopefully someone will come by and adopt them. Instead, I gave them some food and fresh water and watched as they ran out to play again soon after.

Back up in the stable, I decided to peak in on our little filly foal (I say our but she's owned by the stable but I always feel a sense of community about baby animals born in the stables - case and point the kittens). She was napping though, so I just snuck a quick photo and quelled my desire to go in and stroke her. What is is about foal coats? They're honestly the softest ever and this little lady is no exception. Her mother has always been dear to my heart, as she was the first foal I saw up close and in person nine years ago and she's just a lovely horse. This is her forth foal and all of them so far have been adorable.
Not a minute after exiting the broodmare and foal's space, the oldest of the stable cats came up to me miaowing. I'd like to think that me and her has a special bond. Especially if I'm feeling off for whatever reason, she has a tendency to seek me out. She was just a large kitten when we first moved to the stable and her and her litter brother used to get up to all sorts of shenanigans. He was adorable but not the smartest and she always looked out for him when he got in trouble. She produces one or two litters of kittens every year. I always make it a point to pet or hold her because there's so much hustle and bustle in the stable sometimes that the cats are overlooked. As shown below, she's also on very good terms with Money. Animal friendships across species is absolutely adorable in my opinion.

I also had to go check on her kittens, two red (like her litter brother) and a black one, which are a few weeks younger than the two grey kittens I chased around after earlier. She's always such an exceptional mother and her kittens are much more pleasant and seeking human contact. After having finished lunch and a chat with her cat friend, Money was let loose and she promptly, as always, galloped up the hillside and then buried her face in the grass.

Then I drove back home to find that my brother had returned home. I ate lunch in the garden with Hallie, who insists on lying in the sun but then suddenly gets up to leave because she gets too hot... only to come back ten or fifteen minutes later because she loves the warm rays on her body, even if she easily overheats. Afterwards I went back inside, had a much needed shower on this hot day and then sat down to start working on those stories I had been neglecting.
Today turned out to be just the day I needed after yesterday. I found myself seeking out my animal companions more determinedly than usually, even though most of it appears to be subconscious acts. Mum and I recently watched a series about dogs where they showed that it was beneficial for humans to bond with dogs because it released the so-called cuddle hormone oxytocin. Maybe that's the medical explanation but personally for me I think a big part of it comes down to the fact that it's a simpler form of interaction.
When I pet or show affection towards any animal, I get a very simple feedback. They show me clearly with their body language if they enjoy it and it's such a basic exchange between two living things. Just like odd animal friendships, it's quite remarkable that animals are able to bond with humans and the we to a degree share an understanding. I hope everybody has animals in their life in some way shape or form because I can't imagine my life without access to furry friends.
I didn't have a great day yesterday. Not at all in fact but I do not wish to dwell on that because I woke this morning with renewed energy. Sure, the wrongness from yesterday still lingered but I got up fairly early and took my time waking up and lounging around and then I begun my day, which accidentally or maybe merely as a result of a subconscious decision got filled with lots of animal love.
I started the day out by driving Hallie to an open spaced area we use as somewhat of a dog park. Mind you the area is filled with a lot of other things occasionally; sheep, scouts, children, role players, joggers and so forth. But a lot of dog owners take their dogs for a walk off their leads as well. Hallie absolutely adores the place and always makes a point to sprint around like she's a cheetah and not a dog. It was the perfect way to start the morning after having hardly left the bed.
Second up on the agenda was a visit to my horse. She'd just turned 14 two days ago and I had yet to do anything special for her. Obviously, she didn't know when her birthday was but I did and I felt guilt curling into my stomach over not being able to see her on her birthday. Hence, why I decided to have a chill day full of lush grass and bonding. I took her grazing out on the back fields with tall grass for over half and hour. Afterwards, we did ten minutes of training from the ground based on principals from Horsemanship. It's always a fun and different way and being able to move her just by hovering my finger near her or getting her to follow me as a second nature is a beautiful thing.

Afterwards, I went down to get some bedding for her home while she munched on lunch. I spotted two of the bigger kittens currently at the stables and decided to grab them and put them back where they live in a currently unused stall. I managed even if the small boogers avoided me at first, but they could just jump up and out already. Sighing, I admitted defeat and pushed my initial worry aside. They are around ten weeks now and ready for new homes, so hopefully someone will come by and adopt them. Instead, I gave them some food and fresh water and watched as they ran out to play again soon after.

Back up in the stable, I decided to peak in on our little filly foal (I say our but she's owned by the stable but I always feel a sense of community about baby animals born in the stables - case and point the kittens). She was napping though, so I just snuck a quick photo and quelled my desire to go in and stroke her. What is is about foal coats? They're honestly the softest ever and this little lady is no exception. Her mother has always been dear to my heart, as she was the first foal I saw up close and in person nine years ago and she's just a lovely horse. This is her forth foal and all of them so far have been adorable.
Not a minute after exiting the broodmare and foal's space, the oldest of the stable cats came up to me miaowing. I'd like to think that me and her has a special bond. Especially if I'm feeling off for whatever reason, she has a tendency to seek me out. She was just a large kitten when we first moved to the stable and her and her litter brother used to get up to all sorts of shenanigans. He was adorable but not the smartest and she always looked out for him when he got in trouble. She produces one or two litters of kittens every year. I always make it a point to pet or hold her because there's so much hustle and bustle in the stable sometimes that the cats are overlooked. As shown below, she's also on very good terms with Money. Animal friendships across species is absolutely adorable in my opinion.

I also had to go check on her kittens, two red (like her litter brother) and a black one, which are a few weeks younger than the two grey kittens I chased around after earlier. She's always such an exceptional mother and her kittens are much more pleasant and seeking human contact. After having finished lunch and a chat with her cat friend, Money was let loose and she promptly, as always, galloped up the hillside and then buried her face in the grass.

Then I drove back home to find that my brother had returned home. I ate lunch in the garden with Hallie, who insists on lying in the sun but then suddenly gets up to leave because she gets too hot... only to come back ten or fifteen minutes later because she loves the warm rays on her body, even if she easily overheats. Afterwards I went back inside, had a much needed shower on this hot day and then sat down to start working on those stories I had been neglecting.
Today turned out to be just the day I needed after yesterday. I found myself seeking out my animal companions more determinedly than usually, even though most of it appears to be subconscious acts. Mum and I recently watched a series about dogs where they showed that it was beneficial for humans to bond with dogs because it released the so-called cuddle hormone oxytocin. Maybe that's the medical explanation but personally for me I think a big part of it comes down to the fact that it's a simpler form of interaction.
When I pet or show affection towards any animal, I get a very simple feedback. They show me clearly with their body language if they enjoy it and it's such a basic exchange between two living things. Just like odd animal friendships, it's quite remarkable that animals are able to bond with humans and the we to a degree share an understanding. I hope everybody has animals in their life in some way shape or form because I can't imagine my life without access to furry friends.
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