Uploading Every Day In August 2017
So... I might have done it again. Last December, I decided on a whim late November to upload a piece of writing every single day during the last month of the year. And this August I decided that eights months later was an appropriate time to repeat the success. I managed to do it last time, surprising myself, and I found myself able to do it yet again.
It's still a bit surreal that is something I can actually just decide to do and then go right ahead with it. And it's been so bloody wonderful this time around with the amount of lovely comments I've gotten from the new writing platform I joined earlier this year. My writing tumblr has also increased in follower count and honestly, even if it's only a tenth of the size compared to my main "everything" one, people following my writing one feel a bit more special.
I mostly just post my own writing on that one as well as the occasional famous quote. So they're not following because they like the kind of stuff that I reblog as well as my own posts. They come for my writing and that just makes my heart internally squeal with glee.
After having been inactive uploading wise for two and a bit weeks of July thanks to travelling, I decided to up the productivity and actually get writing to all those prompts I had jotted down in my notes or in random documents. Sometimes, taking a break and giving a story time to develop under your skin is a good thing but I know I lose ideas here and there if I don't get around to writing them before they're pushed so far back that they disappear.
A lot of the writing posted throughout this past month has been written during it. And then future bits for the longer chaptered stories so I actually think I might have a total write count higher than the word count on the works I published, which is kind of cool to think about. I can write that many words in that many different universes and people come back to follow the stories I create just with my imagination, my hands and my computer.
I've been steadily keeping track over how many words I've posted in total during these first eight months of the year because I felt like it would be a nice thing to know how many words I actually type up and post for the world to see. Most of it is fictional stories, often related to in fandoms some way, shape or form as of late, but these numbers also include posts on this space. The space I open when I want to talk more about my opinion or experiences.
From January to July, I posted approximately 148,200 words across 72 pieces of writing. And in this chapters to longer stories count as a single piece of writing. Averagely just over 2,000 words per piece. Actually going over numbers like that have a tendency to make my head swim. It's a lot of words and I know all the hours spend pouring over that. I would say I averagely spend an hour writing 2,000 words but that's without the working out the ideas or the proof-reading or the posting or the replying to comments. And it assuming I'm not struggling to get the words down, which *knock on wood* isn't often something that plagues me. (Doesn't stop me of being scared of writer's block though).
So when I say that I have posted approximately 79,300 words over the 31 days in August, this number reflection thing just turns even more insane. I'm not making up these numbers. In fact I set up a handy excel sheet to keep track of my stories this time and I think I might continue to use that in the future rather than the note thing I've been writing it in so far.
Yay, looking at this all mapped out makes me so happy. When I started I had just posted for the first three days and I was figuring out if I could possibly make enough updates out of the content I had and/or planned to write in the near future.
Actually on the third, I sat down to write this in my private thoughts document: So I might try to upload a something every single day of August. Out of the 31 days, I have three things posted already – for the first three days – and twelve more pre-written. That would still mean that I have to write sixteen more things but I can do that, right?
And turns out, I could definitely do that. All weekend posts were written at that time because they were part of longer stories, the first four chapters of two different stories, that I'm still working on currently. But I'll be good with weekly updates 'til November, so I don't have the pressure to write them with a weekly deadline. I know that won't be possible when university begins again. And I had another I started posting a couple of months back with a few chapters pre-written and a plan for the rest. Currently, that one is missing two chapters to be complete. So a lot of different content, some more serious than other but I like to think it's a healthy mixture.
That smoothly brings me onto my next and final point of this post. The feedback. I mentioned it briefly at the top of the post but that doesn't accurately describe how giddy I get every single time I get a comment on any of my works. I smile like a child who's just been told they can get ice-cream or something.
I spend so much energy and time to write out these stories and I pour so much love into the characters that guide me through their story. I write for myself mostly but having people give feedback and appreciate what you're doing is so wonderful and it pushes me to keep writing and working on the stories.
I don't know if it's because my writing isn't at like hyper popularity level but even with some thousands reads, I've gotten nothing but kind feedback. I actually appreciate the comments with constructive criticism as well because every time the person has been lovely about it. I know the Internet can be a weird and scary place sometimes but just like on Tumblr, I feel like I manage to find niches where the drama doesn't go - for most parts.
I still reply to every single comment I get, even if it can take me a little while to get back to people. Kudos, likes, stars, reblogs are highly appreciated as well and I do watch the numbers but that is what they are. Numbers and as I mentioned, I don't do too well caught up in numbers but tangible words from a person is much easier to relate to. And I recognise the usernames that comment several times and I smile because I know they keep following the story and continuously take a little bit of time out of their day, not only to read my story but also type out their thoughts afterwards. It's a lovely little thing.
September is upon us now, officially autumn and I've started on my Master of Arts. Well, my first lecture is on Monday but I've been through two introduction days and have another social thing tomorrow. The weekend also entails a dressage competition so I'm busy as ever and it'll only get more intense from here. Which is why I'm happy I finished this writing/posting challenge while it was still summer and I had less stress and responsibilities. I can be flexible about post dates in the future and people in the comments have lovely when I've mentioned there might be slight delays here and there.
And with that I finish a post very similar to one that came out eight months ago. I did it again and I'm still proud of myself.
It's still a bit surreal that is something I can actually just decide to do and then go right ahead with it. And it's been so bloody wonderful this time around with the amount of lovely comments I've gotten from the new writing platform I joined earlier this year. My writing tumblr has also increased in follower count and honestly, even if it's only a tenth of the size compared to my main "everything" one, people following my writing one feel a bit more special.
I mostly just post my own writing on that one as well as the occasional famous quote. So they're not following because they like the kind of stuff that I reblog as well as my own posts. They come for my writing and that just makes my heart internally squeal with glee.
After having been inactive uploading wise for two and a bit weeks of July thanks to travelling, I decided to up the productivity and actually get writing to all those prompts I had jotted down in my notes or in random documents. Sometimes, taking a break and giving a story time to develop under your skin is a good thing but I know I lose ideas here and there if I don't get around to writing them before they're pushed so far back that they disappear.
A lot of the writing posted throughout this past month has been written during it. And then future bits for the longer chaptered stories so I actually think I might have a total write count higher than the word count on the works I published, which is kind of cool to think about. I can write that many words in that many different universes and people come back to follow the stories I create just with my imagination, my hands and my computer.
Found here - When I'm getting into a story, I often type so fast that I switch around words or make typos but it's so liberating
I've been steadily keeping track over how many words I've posted in total during these first eight months of the year because I felt like it would be a nice thing to know how many words I actually type up and post for the world to see. Most of it is fictional stories, often related to in fandoms some way, shape or form as of late, but these numbers also include posts on this space. The space I open when I want to talk more about my opinion or experiences.
From January to July, I posted approximately 148,200 words across 72 pieces of writing. And in this chapters to longer stories count as a single piece of writing. Averagely just over 2,000 words per piece. Actually going over numbers like that have a tendency to make my head swim. It's a lot of words and I know all the hours spend pouring over that. I would say I averagely spend an hour writing 2,000 words but that's without the working out the ideas or the proof-reading or the posting or the replying to comments. And it assuming I'm not struggling to get the words down, which *knock on wood* isn't often something that plagues me. (Doesn't stop me of being scared of writer's block though).
So when I say that I have posted approximately 79,300 words over the 31 days in August, this number reflection thing just turns even more insane. I'm not making up these numbers. In fact I set up a handy excel sheet to keep track of my stories this time and I think I might continue to use that in the future rather than the note thing I've been writing it in so far.
This just has the word count, title (of work or chapter) and what story or series it belongs too or what type of content it is
Yay, looking at this all mapped out makes me so happy. When I started I had just posted for the first three days and I was figuring out if I could possibly make enough updates out of the content I had and/or planned to write in the near future.
Actually on the third, I sat down to write this in my private thoughts document: So I might try to upload a something every single day of August. Out of the 31 days, I have three things posted already – for the first three days – and twelve more pre-written. That would still mean that I have to write sixteen more things but I can do that, right?
And turns out, I could definitely do that. All weekend posts were written at that time because they were part of longer stories, the first four chapters of two different stories, that I'm still working on currently. But I'll be good with weekly updates 'til November, so I don't have the pressure to write them with a weekly deadline. I know that won't be possible when university begins again. And I had another I started posting a couple of months back with a few chapters pre-written and a plan for the rest. Currently, that one is missing two chapters to be complete. So a lot of different content, some more serious than other but I like to think it's a healthy mixture.
- Individual short stories: 9 dabbles, 3 one shots and a single two shot
- Bonus to A Light and His Soul Snatcher: 5 chapters
- Trust Me, I'm Broken Too: 4 chapters
- You Can Determine The Future Of Our World: 4 chapters
- Blog posts: 4 posts
That smoothly brings me onto my next and final point of this post. The feedback. I mentioned it briefly at the top of the post but that doesn't accurately describe how giddy I get every single time I get a comment on any of my works. I smile like a child who's just been told they can get ice-cream or something.
I spend so much energy and time to write out these stories and I pour so much love into the characters that guide me through their story. I write for myself mostly but having people give feedback and appreciate what you're doing is so wonderful and it pushes me to keep writing and working on the stories.
Found here - This encompasses pretty well how I feel about comments and how I struggle to concisely reply with all my emotions
I don't know if it's because my writing isn't at like hyper popularity level but even with some thousands reads, I've gotten nothing but kind feedback. I actually appreciate the comments with constructive criticism as well because every time the person has been lovely about it. I know the Internet can be a weird and scary place sometimes but just like on Tumblr, I feel like I manage to find niches where the drama doesn't go - for most parts.
I still reply to every single comment I get, even if it can take me a little while to get back to people. Kudos, likes, stars, reblogs are highly appreciated as well and I do watch the numbers but that is what they are. Numbers and as I mentioned, I don't do too well caught up in numbers but tangible words from a person is much easier to relate to. And I recognise the usernames that comment several times and I smile because I know they keep following the story and continuously take a little bit of time out of their day, not only to read my story but also type out their thoughts afterwards. It's a lovely little thing.
September is upon us now, officially autumn and I've started on my Master of Arts. Well, my first lecture is on Monday but I've been through two introduction days and have another social thing tomorrow. The weekend also entails a dressage competition so I'm busy as ever and it'll only get more intense from here. Which is why I'm happy I finished this writing/posting challenge while it was still summer and I had less stress and responsibilities. I can be flexible about post dates in the future and people in the comments have lovely when I've mentioned there might be slight delays here and there.
And with that I finish a post very similar to one that came out eight months ago. I did it again and I'm still proud of myself.
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