22nd Birthday | Blogging My Day

This year I've felt apprehensive about my birthday approaching. It has always had a tendency to sneak up on me but this year I wasn't per say pleasantly surprised. It might just be a part of growing up to have stripped your birthday enthusiasm away from you. I'm not sure.

It's the morning of my 22nd birthday as I'm typing this and the rest of the blog post will have been written throughout the day and only finished tomorrow after the events of the night can be recounted too.

I was woken at 6.45 AM and I can't recall the last time I was awake this early. It was a bit of a hurdle getting out of bed but I managed and went downstairs where my family had prepared the usual number Nutella "cakes" with sprinkles and compiled the presents in a heap on the table. It was a nice chilled morning and I got some awesome gifts.

The main presents from my parents was the new iPhone 7, which is expensive as hell but I'm already so in love with it and can't wait to have a phone that doesn't shut off randomly when it gets cold. I'm just now updating my old iPhone 5 to be able to transfer everything. I also got a slim see-through cover from the pets and a nice cruelty free day cream from Pai from my brother. Grandma sent over a wholly version of the riding socks I usually wear and I hope they're thin enough to fit with the boots on. It's a small pool of presents, though the cost of them combined is mind-boogling.

Photo courtesy of my mother as I forgot to take one. The angle is a bit wonky but I greatly appreciate it still

After presents and reading a bit, I headed off to visit my horse. It was a very calm day in the stables, which was just want I needed to clear my thoughts for a bit. I did strike up a conversation with one of the other girls and it was nice catching up on each other's lives a bit. I put Horsemanship equipment on Money and went down to the hall to train for a short while. Being alone and in sync with my horse was just the perfect relaxation and way to focus my mind.

Upon my return home, Mum and I drove off to fetch my brother who got off early from school due to cancelled classes. Since Archie (Mum's car) only has two seats, she dropped me in Lyngby where we were to have lunch. They ran into trouble of traffic and getting a parking space on the way there and I had to wait for them for around half a hour. I actually didn't mind too much as I buried myself in the fic I had been reading earlier.

We had lunch at this great Italian place where we saw the fresh pasta made right in front of us. In hindsight, I should have taken a photo of the gorgeous pesto dish but I was honestly too caught up in the moment to remember. It tasted heavenly and chatting with Mum and A was so lovely. I drove them back in turns afterwards and we prepared for a cosy afternoon in.

We watched two two-hour movies, Into The Woods first and The Book Thief afterwards. The Disney movie started off cool with the different Grimm fairytales merging and I adored James Corden in his role as the Baker but the story fell apart around half-way through and got a bit weird. The second movie though was really interesting and touching. It's one that Mum has wanted my brother and I to watch for quite a while and I'm glad we finally got around to it. It's set during the Second World War and a bit brutal and sad at times but in the end it's an inspiring story. It was so nice just lounging around with Hallie, Mum and A and just be content. It's little moments like that which matters so much.

Now I've just snuck up to write this section after having had a little dance break with myself/my dog and the lasagna will be ready any minutes. I've not eaten beef since December last year but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to have my old favourite dish. I've been thinking to switch off from my pescetarian diet and go back to eating meat. However, I doubt I'll eat a lot of meat and I undoubtedly still have vegetarian days but I think it's time.

The lasagna was incredible. My mother is an incredible cook on a very few select dishes but the ones she knows, she does brilliantly. It was nice chatting with the entire family and it felt more causal and open than it usually does over the dinner table. I was trying to savour the time but we practically devoured the food, which made it a bit difficult to prolong the dinner conversation. Also, I had to get ready to hit the town with two of my best friends. We decided to meet up at one of the girl's sister's work of employment, a nice pub, and then see where the night would take us.

Image found here - as I didn't take a single photo in the pub either, I'm a photography flop today

It didn't take us much further than playing "meyer", a drinking game with dices, and a lot of free alcohol on my part. The girls refused to let me pay for drinks and someone from the table we joined occasionally bought shots which they shared with everybody. It was a nice and chilled out evening but I was getting tired.

I never did get to nap earlier but it was a day full of fun and good times with people I loved. I played the "birthday card" with Dad to get him to drive me to the pub and also pick me up around 11.40 PM where I was beyond pooped. A whole day of social interaction took it out of me.

And I made it home just as the clocks hit midnight, signifying the end of my birthday. Most of the day I've felt as I was almost in a trance; things looked the same but somehow everything had a different vibe. I suppose it's the different treatment from family and friends. They definitely spoiled the hell out of me.

It was a good birthday as might be evident in the complete lack of photos I took. Not a single one and the one of my presents and Nutella "cakes" were taken by my mother. I've taken the day to properly breathe and to be in the moment and focus on the people in my life. I've been with people practically from the moment I woke up until midnight and I'm surprised it hasn't tired me out as much as it usually does. It's probably because I really love and are comfortable around the people I spent my day with. I'm very thankful for all of them and that I got to spend my birthday in such amazing company.


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