Trump Becoming President Terrifies Me

Why does this keep happening? Waking up to find the world as you know it turned upside down is not something I like one bit. It's giving me flashbacks to Brexit and I just feel like crying out of frustration. How can the majority of Americans elect Trump as president?

Donald Trump and Mike Pence will with almost certainty, unless there's a miracle which is unfortunately extremely unlikely, become President and Vice President and the Republicans will also have majority in Congress. After eight years of President Obama, this is fucking terrifying.

What happened over there? How did they let it get so far? This is heartbreaking.

From Google's search page

I know Hillary Clinton is no perfect candidate, not by a long shot. She's made mistakes and sometimes a bit questionable actions but she's been cleared. Trump has actively been racist, homophobic and misogynist through out his entire "campaign" and I honestly thought the world was changing from that. I wanted to believe in a world that did even tolerate such things anymore. The man doesn't even believe in climate change! I mean come on! I thought we was moving in the right direction and this was unacceptable, clearly I was wrong if so many Americans can pick Trump with a good conscience.

In a democracy, the people get to decide who they elect to represent them and that is beautiful. However, we can argue that the two party system in America is flawed and too restrictive - of course we can. But they should know that they had to vote within these parameters and I think that's why the many third party votes infuriates me so damn much. It is essentially throwing your vote away and it has pulled from Hillary's winning chances without a doubt. It might even be what cost the election, I don't know.

From here - I saw this on my timeline after waking up just after 6 AM and it just broke my heart

I fear for people of colour, anyone on the LGBT+ spectrum, people with disabilities and all women in America. A man who's openly supported mistreatment of all the minority groups will now be your President and for that I am sad. This is without even taking into account Trump's political strategies, which seems to be a whole other problem.

But in this election it wasn't, or at least should not have been, about a Republican versus a Democrat. It was a seasoned politician, who's been in the game very long and yes has had some stumbles versus a horrific human being who's biggest achievement is being so big and unsuccessful business man that the banks had to bail him out.

What a day to start the first day of my new job. I'm am sorry, America. I am not able to see the future but I have an incredibly bad feeling about this for a long time. It's been a lulling feeling in my gut, trying to prepare me for what might happen. I was still not ready to face the reality.

I haven't at any point wanted to comment on who I thought would win in what feels like the years long lead-up to this election. I would just reply with "I hope Hillary wins" because the prospect of her losing and Trump winning was petrifying beyond words. I had a nagging feeling this might be the outcome when I opened my eyes way too early this morning and sure enough; Trump in a surefire lead.

Found here - How I feel about the pillars of the global world falling apart

I'm so done with this. What is happening around the world? First Brexit and now a man like Trump as the American President. I can only hope that Denmark will stay fairly sane and that we would not come to elections like these in any regards. However, we will be greatly affected by these international elections no matter what.

It's a globalised world where everything is interconnected and having big players make such drastic choices will undoubtedly affect us all. We just have to wait and see and pray that it's not as bad as it seems right now. The thing that scares me the most is that the globalised world is pulling apart and nations are trying to disconnect and go back to being just themselves. I do not believe this is a wise choice.


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