Brexit Scares and Angers Me

This was exactly what I hoped wouldn't happen... and I just feel helpless. I woke just past 5 AM this morning with a knot in my stomach.

Mind you, I've never been an early riser but I awoke by myself with jitters mimicking those of exam nerves and I took to Twitter to see how the vote had fallen. The evening before rain and thunder had met me while I was out at the stables and I had a nagging feeling this was somehow a bad omen.

My heart sank when I found the EURefResults hashtag and saw to my dismay Leave was over 600k ahead with over 70 % of the votes calculated. By then the loss was evident and it unsettled me more than I thought it would. I tried to go back to sleep but simply couldn't. I'm not a UK resident but I am a European, who knows that this "Brexit" will make so many important agreements crumble. I lived in England for four months as part of the Erasmus agreement and had I been going two years later that would now have been impossible.

"This is just so damn stupid..." I muttered to myself and even now seeing the final percentages for the vote that keeps replaying in my mind. Over a million people in majority voted to tear apart from EU.

I've been interested in the British culture for years now, both due to my love for their language but also because whenever I visited I felt safe and oddly at home. Through my studies, I've learnt that the former empire consists of many parts, which often struggle amongst themselves, and that their relation to the European Union has been on the rocks a lot.

But to think that the bond has actually been severed twists in my guts. As a resident in an EU country, I've always taken comfort in being part of something bigger. In my mind, it's logical and natural part in a world that's ever merging and has been brought so much closer just over the last decade through the use of the Internet. I know UK's move stems from a place that yearns for nationalism but I struggle to understand how they cannot grasp that being European doesn't take away their individuality or nationality.

Sure, cultures transfer slightly and as people migrate they bring pieces of their culture with them. However, I do not believe this will make anyone lose their roots. In my opinion, it's a good thing that a culture progresses and doesn't come to a standstill. And what's even more frustrating about this whole thing is the fact that the younger generation was more inclined to remain while the older more inclined to leave. Maybe, I'm bias as a 21 year old but our voices are often dismissed by "real adults" as if we don't know what's going on. I disagree - I think we see the world differently but that doesn't mean we don't understand. We grasp much more than some give us credit for.

The fact that the pound £ has fallen below 1985 levels and the British economy is decreasing rapidly is just icing on the cake. And bloody David Cameron, who initiated all this crap with his election promise of having this vote, has quit. Way to initiate a right ol' mess and then ditch after the damage is done. Can the Conservative party please not be reelected next time?

Also, what about poor Scotland, who in 2014 voted, with a very narrow margin, to stay a part of the UK? There's not a doubt in my mind their votes would have been different had they known they'd no longer be part of the EU in 2016. While majority in England and Wales voted to leave, the majority in Northern Ireland and Scotland voted to remain.

This whole thing is just so upsetting to me and I don't even like politics! I hate the confusion of it and no one really telling us what the consequences of our actions truly will be. It's all empty promises and smokescreens... I physically shiver as I worry about just what consequences will come from this very important vote because in this specific case, I know it'll destroy a lot good stuff.

Will Scotland attempt to become individual again? Will other EU contries follow suit and leave? How will import and export to the UK change? Will less people move abroad to work, either from or to the UK? Will EU or UK crumble after this massive earthquake and the aftershocks of this vote?

I don't know... but the future looks a little more grim after today if you were to ask me. I'm just afraid the Brits don't fully grasp the repercussions of their decision.


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