Drawing Again

Drawing has always been something I've enjoyed throughout my childhood. However, I slowly "lost interest" in it as I grew up, or maybe I just got more busy, or maybe my perfectionist tendencies just made it too frustrating to work on something such as drawing, where the smallest detail make or break it.
A creative outlet that I've never given up on is writing; writing about myself, writing stories for the characters I create or just structuring information in the form of words. It comes easy to me, just flowing from my finger tips into the computer. It takes my full concentration and I let it consume me.

Drawing on the other hand is a very different type of creativity but in the last month or so, after I handed in my BA Project, I felt the itch to start drawing. An itch I hadn't scratched or even thought about scratching in years. I'm still not sure where it came from.

Based on a screenshot from this AmazingPhil video 

Above is my first attempt at drawing after not having touched a pencil in that way for so long. It's a frustrating process at times and I am in no way entirely happy with how it turned out and I still see flaws in it. A line that just wouldn't coperate and so.

The next time I tried, displayed below, I dappled with drawing hands, which I've always struggled with. Why I thought it was a good idea I'm not quite sure but surprisingly it didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would.

However, while I see flaws and definitely feel what so many other creative people feel with their art; it's never finished or good enough, I also feel a bit proud. It's by no means masterworks or even really beautiful, and I'm not even sure I'd call my drawings "art" but they look okay and it's nice to put my "touch" on images that speak to me.

For my third project, I chose a photo of my horse instead of an image of a human or a human body part. I'm actually quite please with how this one turned out and maybe it's because I know every curve of her face or something else. It's by far my favourite so far.

Based on my own photo

My next couple of attempts didn't go so well, one was an image of my dad and though I finished it, I don't like how it turned out at all not even a little bit and the other drawing of Troye Sivan that I didn't even manage to finish because it felt too complicated and difficult.

I don't want it too be difficult, which maybe sounds a bit spoiled, but I want it to be a time of unwinding and stepping away from the technology I spend too many hours a day on. It's the simple joy of putting pencil to paper and conjuring up an image. It's something to do if a have an hour or two to spare and want to unwind but still feel like I'm "doing" something.

The sixth image I drew, which is below, I've just been putting the finishing touches on, it's taught me how difficult it is to draw faces. It's something about capturing someone's image that makes me hesitant because it feel like something grand and just a bit askew proportions make them look like a different person. Upon closer scrutiny I'm not very happy with it but couldn't get myself not to include it despite that.

And I wanted to pick up something I used to love and see if the spark was still there. It is and I'm practicing to become acquainted with the pencil again. I know my abilities will grow the more I do it and frankly I look forward to moving past the first few awkward attempts. I'm not drawing freehand and I'm using a grid to help me when I start but it's something and I'm enjoying it. Maybe I'll fall out with it again or maybe it'll stick - who knows?


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