Driving in Heavy Snow | A Look at Winter

One of the things I love about Denmark is actually the change in seasons. I think I would grow bored if it was just all the same all the time. We almost always gets snow some time during the winter, which is as nice and beautiful as it is inconvenient and gross. I stumbled across some nice Google doodles from last year and decided why not make a little segments about the seasons throughout this year.

Snow when it falls is so pretty and almost mesmerising. It adds to the cosy feeling if you're inside in your pyjamas and holding a hot beverage. It's kind of horrible if it's freezing, slippery, dark out and you have somewhere to go. The snow is less nice and pretty when it turns into grey sludge. We usually get most of our snow during the later winter months rather than in December, where it would add to the Christmas spirit. Some years, it's even snowed in April.

Found here - it sort of represents how you just want to hide under a blanket when it snows

This was the Google doodle I was talking about. Apparently, they made one for every season and each has its own little humorous element. It seems like an appropriate instigator to talk about the seasons as they finally roll around this year. The Danish weather doesn't really believe in the whole three months for each thing and some seasons stretch out and others lasts shorter than expected.

Yesterday, it felt like the winter really arrived. It has snowed a bit in the last couple of months but hard-core snow arrived mid-afternoon yesterday. When I had woken up in the morning (too early because I'm pretending to be a functioning adult and I have too many responsibilities that requires an early start), it had been grey but very sunny. It started to rain as I made my way home from work and by the time we'd finished dinner and I was heading out to visit my horse, it had really picked up.

It was probably spurred on by a storm coming in from, which the Brits named Doris according to Phil, and it was not nice driving weather. Still, I had been too busy throughout the week and not going out to exercise Money and muck out her stable wasn't an option.

I'm not actually scared of driving in bad weather (but ask me to park or stop somewhere busy or unfamiliar and I'll freak out - weird), so I ventured out without too many scruples. It was fine, not too slippery, until I made it onto the motorway. That was an almost surreal experience.

Found here - I wanted to take a photo of my own but that would be hazardous

I got snow thrown directly "in my face" and the lines on the ground were not visible. It felt like the car wasn't even moving and I was just sitting there frozen, feeling very detached from the situation. It wasn't that I was driving super fast, I was keeping a speed around 80 km/h, but it felt like I wasn't moving at all.

That was a trip. On the way back, it was more slippery as the snow had properly settled but it had stopped snowing, so it was an easier drive back. The funny thing is that initially when I sat in the car and drove with the snow coming directly at the windshield, I couldn't help but think how pretty it looked and how it felt almost calming. I guess it sort of sums up my feeling about winter in an odd way.

I like the season and the snow and the hot chocolates and the cosy blankets but I tire after a couple of days. It gets too inconvenient and it's biting cold at first only to turn wet and muddy before you know it.

If you were wondering why I was aimlessly browsing the gallery of Google doodles, I can tell you it's because I stumbled upon this little fellow as the front of Google yesterday after NASA discovered 7 new planets that potentially have water and a premise for life. They're their own little solar system light-years away but it's still pretty cool.

Found here - the little tongue poking out in concentration got me grinning so wide

Another thing that winter also brings is the start of a new semester at university. This year might be my busiest yet (only rivalled by last year and we all know how that went) and the short daylights and the cold has not been helping. It's always much more difficult to get up early if it's still dark out. It's like the world telling you "go back to sleep" and as a heavy sleeper, I would love to obliges. Unfortunately, I can't. Things to be done, things to be learnt, things to participate in.

I like how winter enables me to wear warm and cosy jumpers though, even if it also makes me freeze my butt off on occasion. It's great snuggling up in a favourite item, which for me is jumpers - I bloody love a good jumper. Riding my horse becomes much more difficult but she's usually so upbeat and energised and that's lovely antics to see, even if they're not the most productive.

All seasons has their pros and cons and though winter is not my favourite out of the bunch, there's still a lot of things that I like about it. It feels right that it's cold out on Christmas, maybe snow if we're really lucky, and it's the perfect excuse to drink hot chocolate every other day. Winter will probably linger for longer than we'd prefer, as per usual, but it's a nice cosy time and freshly fallen snow, crisp air, cosy jumpers and hot beverages are my favourite things about it.


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