Scheduling The Next Few Months

January rolled around faster than anticipated, as it almost always does. You're all swept up in the Christmas spirit and before you know it you're standing at a New Years Party and jumping into the new year. I have many hopes for 2017 but in general I just hope it'll be a kinder year for us all. However, I recognise I need to take a firm grip on its direction and I need to lay down the groundwork now.

So for the better part of my morning I've been importing my university courses into my calendar and tried to organise my work schedule to fit everything. I'll be very busy for the first half of this year (probably busier in the second half where I begin a master degree but I have to focus on the now). I need to make a change in my time management and scheduling my calendar has definitely helped me feel more on top of things.

Cuddled up in my duvet as I plan how busy and out I'll have to be for the next couple of months

I want 2017 to be the year where I do more, learn more and become more skilled without breaking myself while trying to attempt it. I know myself well enough to know I need my chill time but at the same time, I have a powerful mind and if I can persuade my mind to be "all in" for my endeavours, I think I'll manage.

I've surprised myself on more than one occasion and when I find myself doubtful, something will happen to reassure me and remind me that I am capable even if I struggle believing it sometimes. 
By a Girl who Loves to Write aka Me

I have a lot of things to juggle this final semester of my BA degree, even considering I'm only taking half a course load. I'll have to juggle half a study as well as three jobs. I almost want to laugh as I write that. It feels like a completely repeat of the title of a blog post I wrote almost a year ago, read here, just before I started collapsing inwardly. However, this time it feels different. What I went through last year has taught me to listen to myself and I feel more prepared to weather the storm now.

I am busy and it is a blessing. Think how dull life would be if you had nothing to do! It would be a complete bore. However, I am never bored - I actually wrote about it a while back - because I can always be busy, even if it's within my own head. A vivid imagination coupled with a need to be creative will always push me to do things. I have my lazy moments sure but I do also become frustrated within my core if it goes on for too long.

Found on Pinterest - I've heard this saying from Lilly Singh often and I agree

What can stress me out is when I have to spend my time with things that don't interest me or ignite a passion within myself. I have to accept that I'll have to do things that I don't always want to do to have the opportunity to do things I actually am passionate about. I have to get into the right mindset and pour as much effort as I can manage into the things that I find difficult or tiresome.

I have a plan to get up early every weekday for the next few months. I'm much more of a night-owl but I do get the appeal of getting up early and getting on with your day. It makes you feel more in control and it makes the day feel longer. I have a few 8 AM classes this semester and I do also want  to get into my terminology job quite early, so I can have more of the afternoon off. So I'll have to make changes to when I wake up. As a counter weight, I'll probably entirely refrain from setting an alarm on Saturdays, which honestly sound like heaven.

I'm an adult, whether I feel like it or really want to accept it, and I need to manage my time better and pour my energy and effort into the things I've chosen to have in my life. I'm extremely privileged in almost every way one can be and it would be disrespectful not to use and appreciate it while remaining humble. I didn't chose that I got a lucky roll of the dice on my life but I should damn well make the most of it and stop whining about silly little problems and be thankful for it instead.


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