One Month Vegetarian & My Future Diet
As I talked about in this post, in a very long and rambling detail, I stayed meat-free for a week. Then I decided to extend it to all of January.
Partly, it was to help the environment, even by just a fraction, but mostly, it was because I wanted to prove that I could do it. I'm really stubborn and if I've decided on a challenge, and I mean really committed to it, then I will want to finish it.
My family sort of reacted as expected when they found out. They were fine with it but a bit annoyed about how it complicates cooking for the family as a whole. They've all been very understanding though. However, they were all very happy when I said that I had only set a goal for it to be for one month.
Recently, there's been announced a lot of health issues about meat. The most covered in the media last year was that bacon gives you cancer. Obviously, this is over-exaggerated but as far as I'm aware studies did show that hard fried meat does enhance your chances of getting certain types of cancer.
Stuff like this, as well as just thinking a bit too hard about the fact meat once was a living breathing animal, makes me want to swear it off completely.
In all honestly, I don't feel like sticking to no meat but I do feel like I want to keep my meat intake low. I've also contemplated swearing off all except chicken and salmon. Chicken used to be my preferred meat by far, as well as being one of the healthier meats. I'm not a big fish eater, in fact I hardly like any fish but I do have a weakness for sushi, but am so picky that I only like the ones with salmon anyway. My mum doesn't like either of those though, which would still make cooking for the whole family extremely difficult.
Maybe, I'll try that out for now. I like bacon and I like it a lot but it's very fatty and I'm wondering if I should step clear of it and hope a one month abstinence is enough to keep me from getting cravings. Just two days ago, I was making a vegetarian stir-fry with whole wheat noodles and I fried some bacon to the rest of the family on the side. I put a teaspoon of coconut oil down on the pan beforehand and when my dad walked by, he said that there was way to much fats and oils in the pan and that I should never put oil on when frying bacon (despite the fact I've done so all my life). I saw his point though, as fat literally oozed from the bacon strips.
I'm trying to extend my January diet change to have other positive effects, such as a reduction in my sugar intake. I think I'll start this officially tomorrow (1st of February) as I've struggled a bit with it the few days this week that I attempted it. I do love my Nutella and hate to give it up but it's so bad for you. This past week or so I've trying going for the whole grain options instead, attempting to get some more fibre into my diet. This I'm happy to say is much easier for me.
I've also jumped on the poached eggs and avocado on toast band-wagon though my presentation skills still have a lot to be desired. I'm just much more focused on getting to eat it rather than photograph it. Maybe, they'll become Instagram worthy one day.
I didn't go all out and join the Veganuary movement but I am proud I stayed meat free for a whole thirty days. Even though I technically have a day and half left, I'm way to stubborn to break this close to the finish line.
In part with attempting to modify my diet and substitute with healthier alternatives, I've also embraced the snack box subscription SourcedBox which was founded by Marcus Butler and Niomi Smart. I got the very first box this January and have challenged myself to try all the snacks inside though I'm always a bit sceptical of food I've never tried before. Surprisingly, I've actually liked most of it!
My dog also thought it smelled very nice and "borrowed" the box one day when she was home alone. Thankfully, it's sturdy enough and she didn't get through.
I guess that's enough of a food update. This blog isn't really all about that. But to be fair, it doesn't really have a theme. It's just me writing about whatever I want. A lot have been exchange themed lately for obvious reasons but now that that's over, I'm excited to see what I'll fill this space with. I definitely do not want to abandon it. I'm getting so much joy of writing on this platform.
Partly, it was to help the environment, even by just a fraction, but mostly, it was because I wanted to prove that I could do it. I'm really stubborn and if I've decided on a challenge, and I mean really committed to it, then I will want to finish it.
My family sort of reacted as expected when they found out. They were fine with it but a bit annoyed about how it complicates cooking for the family as a whole. They've all been very understanding though. However, they were all very happy when I said that I had only set a goal for it to be for one month.
Recently, there's been announced a lot of health issues about meat. The most covered in the media last year was that bacon gives you cancer. Obviously, this is over-exaggerated but as far as I'm aware studies did show that hard fried meat does enhance your chances of getting certain types of cancer.
Stuff like this, as well as just thinking a bit too hard about the fact meat once was a living breathing animal, makes me want to swear it off completely.
In all honestly, I don't feel like sticking to no meat but I do feel like I want to keep my meat intake low. I've also contemplated swearing off all except chicken and salmon. Chicken used to be my preferred meat by far, as well as being one of the healthier meats. I'm not a big fish eater, in fact I hardly like any fish but I do have a weakness for sushi, but am so picky that I only like the ones with salmon anyway. My mum doesn't like either of those though, which would still make cooking for the whole family extremely difficult.
Maybe, I'll try that out for now. I like bacon and I like it a lot but it's very fatty and I'm wondering if I should step clear of it and hope a one month abstinence is enough to keep me from getting cravings. Just two days ago, I was making a vegetarian stir-fry with whole wheat noodles and I fried some bacon to the rest of the family on the side. I put a teaspoon of coconut oil down on the pan beforehand and when my dad walked by, he said that there was way to much fats and oils in the pan and that I should never put oil on when frying bacon (despite the fact I've done so all my life). I saw his point though, as fat literally oozed from the bacon strips.
I'm trying to extend my January diet change to have other positive effects, such as a reduction in my sugar intake. I think I'll start this officially tomorrow (1st of February) as I've struggled a bit with it the few days this week that I attempted it. I do love my Nutella and hate to give it up but it's so bad for you. This past week or so I've trying going for the whole grain options instead, attempting to get some more fibre into my diet. This I'm happy to say is much easier for me.
I've also jumped on the poached eggs and avocado on toast band-wagon though my presentation skills still have a lot to be desired. I'm just much more focused on getting to eat it rather than photograph it. Maybe, they'll become Instagram worthy one day.
I didn't go all out and join the Veganuary movement but I am proud I stayed meat free for a whole thirty days. Even though I technically have a day and half left, I'm way to stubborn to break this close to the finish line.
In part with attempting to modify my diet and substitute with healthier alternatives, I've also embraced the snack box subscription SourcedBox which was founded by Marcus Butler and Niomi Smart. I got the very first box this January and have challenged myself to try all the snacks inside though I'm always a bit sceptical of food I've never tried before. Surprisingly, I've actually liked most of it!
My dog also thought it smelled very nice and "borrowed" the box one day when she was home alone. Thankfully, it's sturdy enough and she didn't get through.
I guess that's enough of a food update. This blog isn't really all about that. But to be fair, it doesn't really have a theme. It's just me writing about whatever I want. A lot have been exchange themed lately for obvious reasons but now that that's over, I'm excited to see what I'll fill this space with. I definitely do not want to abandon it. I'm getting so much joy of writing on this platform.
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