The Thing About... Boredom

I don’t like hearing the words “I’m bored”and as I’ve grown older, I’ve come to fully grasp how privileged, and honestly spoiled, it is to say you’re bored. That's not to say I don't think you can feel a tad uninterested or restless from time to time but whether you allow yourself to become bored is another thing.

Let's take a look at what the handy google search dictionary says about being bored and see how you might be able to combat it based on the definition.

If you're feeling bored because you're unoccupied, then go occupy yourself with some activity. Go for a walk, watch something on YouTube/Netflix, read a book or a magazine, listen to music or podcasts, text/call your friends, go for a run or work out, call your grandparents or any other thing that you enjoy or need to get done. Fill your time with something, so you don't get bored.

If you're feeling bored because you lack interest in your current activity, ask yourself why you're doing something you have no interest in. Maybe you don't have a choice and this activity needs to be done - fair enough but if it's something vital to your way of life is it not a tad spoiled to moan about being bored? You might have to do the most boring activity in the world - say being on hold on the phone for ages - but sometimes we need to do things that we don't want to do. However, letting boredom fester and complaining about it is not making time pass quicker.

As I often do when I want to write a topical post and don't have photos of my own, I go to Tumblr or Google image search. The former mostly showed me a feed of selfies as that people had tagged with #bored. But at least they're doing something, that's kind of the great thing about avoiding boredom - to escape it we do other things and sometimes do things we never would have done otherwise and it can turn out pretty epically.

Found here - This struck a cord with me

I generally like the quote posted above but I love the very last part added in the smaller font. I'm not sure I can agree with the fact that we're controlled by boredom itself, but if you strive to live a life without boredom - it most likely means you're striving to fill your days with what you enjoy and love, which is an amazing goal.

Found here - I like the phrasing of this

In my search for quotes, I stumbled across a few and the one above holds some of the essence that I'm trying to get across. If you're bored, it's because you have an inability to fill your current life with meaningful moments. However, I don't see inability as something you can't change for if something is deprived from an inability, surely you also have the ability to change it. 

That's what I wanted to say with this post; boredom creeps up on all of us but don't let it get you. Make yourself busy or justify why you're doing a thing you lack interest in. If you're finding that too much of your life is "boring", strive to change it to something that's not. There'll always be less funny moments or chores but you can make them seem less bad with the right attitude. 


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