Why I'm a Little Late Too Often | Lists
I don't like to think of myself as someone who is late often but I doubt anybody fancies themselves to be that. Reality is that I am often a little late, usually around the five minute mark, which I know is still bad even if it's not a lot. In an attempt to make myself realise how many stupid little things I do to make myself late, I've compiled them in this post.
Why I'm often 5 minutes late:
Alright, that got a bit shout-ey there. Sorry. I hardly think it's a good thing that I can compile a list so long of reasons how I make myself late. I doubt I'm the only one but I really should aim to be on time more. It's unprofessional and it makes it seem like you don't value the thing you're headed to do or the people you're headed to meet. It's just plain rude!
I should aim to be ten minutes early for everything, so I have the time for unforeseen delays or buffer room as I called it above. Ten minutes more can make the world of difference and though, it sometimes doesn't feel like it, I must be able to scrape off ten minutes off of my night's sleep or pottering around.
I hope to be better at not being late - it's annoying and a very bad habit.
Found on Tumblr - It's from a The Flash post and now I kind of want to watch that show
Why I'm often 5 minutes late:
- I spend those extra five minutes in bed because I couldn't drag my body out of it
- I get lost on the way there due to my horrible sense of direction
- I get stuck in traffic because of road work or because I didn't account for rush hour
- I have started watching a YouTube video or TV series episode on Netflix, which is "just" ending
- I forget to allow time to walk my dog but can't skip it because she gives me actual puppy dog eyes
- I potter about my house doing I-don't-know-what and suddenly, I should have left minutes ago
- I forget to put make-up on my face until last minute but need to do it to be "presentable"
- I get anxious and nervous about what I'm about to do and hold off leaving until the last minute
- I forget that my scooter has no gas left in it and I need to stop by the petrol station
- I don't get off at the right metro or bus stop and now I have to wait for the next one to go back
- I have to frantically figure out to wear because I never know where certain clothes are
- I purposely cut it close because I don't want to be early but end up being delayed by something
- I have stuffed too many things into too small a time frame, so I physically can't get everything done
- I tell myself it's not healthy to rush and proceeds to do everything too slowly
- I don't allow myself the goddamn buffer room for delays and if I do, I spend it doing nothing because I feel like I've got a load of time - WHY AM I LIKE THIS?
Alright, that got a bit shout-ey there. Sorry. I hardly think it's a good thing that I can compile a list so long of reasons how I make myself late. I doubt I'm the only one but I really should aim to be on time more. It's unprofessional and it makes it seem like you don't value the thing you're headed to do or the people you're headed to meet. It's just plain rude!
I should aim to be ten minutes early for everything, so I have the time for unforeseen delays or buffer room as I called it above. Ten minutes more can make the world of difference and though, it sometimes doesn't feel like it, I must be able to scrape off ten minutes off of my night's sleep or pottering around.
I hope to be better at not being late - it's annoying and a very bad habit.
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