Cirkusrevyen 2016
Yesterday, I went to see Cirkusrevyen with my family. My Dad had gotten tickets for us through his work, just like last year, and we were to see it the very first preview out of three before it officially has a premiere on Thursday.
Our family has always been Tivoli people more so than Bakken people and the latter is the home of Cirkusrevyen. It's odd because while they might share similarities in their type of rides and have a similar background, it's still a very different vibe. And where Tivoli has outdoor concerts on Plænen, Bakken has Cirkusrevyen, which previews always are packed, mainly with senior citizens.
Unlike last year, we did not pay to eat with all the rest of Dad's colleagues at work. Honestly I and my Mum were both very thankful for that. It wasn't the best experience last year, sitting crammed together on benches like we were out on a school trip. And as I hardly touch meat anymore, however still not identifying solely as a vegetarian, it was much lovelier to be able to pick something for ourselves.
After a quick beer for the parents and water for my brother and I, as I'm still not too great a fan of beer, we headed out to look for something to eat. We took a stroll through Bakken first as we had quite some hours to kill before the show started at 8.00 PM. I took a couple of snaps.
Ultimately we decided to eat at Prego, which looked a bit like a cafeteria but Italian, because we could mix our own pizzas. It's actually something my brother hates as he unlike myself doesn't want to customise and would rather just have "professionals" put ingrediens together. Unfortunately we had to wait over 45 minutes to get our food, despite the promise of only 20 minutes wait. We got it in the end though and of course the peppers were missing from my pizza. However, they fried up some quickly on the side and I tossed them on myself.
It actually turned out to be really good. I went for different colour peppers, potato, mozzarella and pesto. And we got offered free deserts for our trouble, which made it a bit better. I was just happy to be able to get a vegetarian dish and that we had enough time to spare to account for the big delay.
Afterwards, Mum and I also got a cheeky bit of ice-cream. As always, I went for bowl over cone and for chocolate but I choose "children's scoop" as my second scoop. It's a mix of banana, pear and cherry and it's really good. Chocolate is still my favourite though.
And with that we headed to the gigantic tent that hosts Cirkusrevyen. This year the five headliners were Lisbet Dahl, Ulf Pilgaard, Henrik Lykkegaard, Niels Ellegaard (all of whom were in last years as well) and a debut for Lise Baastrup. They were all wonderful and I was delighted to see all the cultural references and the comedy applied to it. Quite a show. I tried my best to get a couple of shots of their performances but most were horrible due to the lighting and the distance but I've complied the best ones below.
It's a really nice thing to have outings with your family and it feels like quite a treat when we do it in our family. We usually only go out for dinner if it is in honour of some event or celebration, though we always eat out on holiday, but it makes it feel special. Denmark has so many nuances to it and it's extremely nice to explore your own backyard sometimes and get some spot on references to the culture we all share.
Our family has always been Tivoli people more so than Bakken people and the latter is the home of Cirkusrevyen. It's odd because while they might share similarities in their type of rides and have a similar background, it's still a very different vibe. And where Tivoli has outdoor concerts on Plænen, Bakken has Cirkusrevyen, which previews always are packed, mainly with senior citizens.
Unlike last year, we did not pay to eat with all the rest of Dad's colleagues at work. Honestly I and my Mum were both very thankful for that. It wasn't the best experience last year, sitting crammed together on benches like we were out on a school trip. And as I hardly touch meat anymore, however still not identifying solely as a vegetarian, it was much lovelier to be able to pick something for ourselves.
After a quick beer for the parents and water for my brother and I, as I'm still not too great a fan of beer, we headed out to look for something to eat. We took a stroll through Bakken first as we had quite some hours to kill before the show started at 8.00 PM. I took a couple of snaps.
Ultimately we decided to eat at Prego, which looked a bit like a cafeteria but Italian, because we could mix our own pizzas. It's actually something my brother hates as he unlike myself doesn't want to customise and would rather just have "professionals" put ingrediens together. Unfortunately we had to wait over 45 minutes to get our food, despite the promise of only 20 minutes wait. We got it in the end though and of course the peppers were missing from my pizza. However, they fried up some quickly on the side and I tossed them on myself.
It actually turned out to be really good. I went for different colour peppers, potato, mozzarella and pesto. And we got offered free deserts for our trouble, which made it a bit better. I was just happy to be able to get a vegetarian dish and that we had enough time to spare to account for the big delay.
Afterwards, Mum and I also got a cheeky bit of ice-cream. As always, I went for bowl over cone and for chocolate but I choose "children's scoop" as my second scoop. It's a mix of banana, pear and cherry and it's really good. Chocolate is still my favourite though.
And with that we headed to the gigantic tent that hosts Cirkusrevyen. This year the five headliners were Lisbet Dahl, Ulf Pilgaard, Henrik Lykkegaard, Niels Ellegaard (all of whom were in last years as well) and a debut for Lise Baastrup. They were all wonderful and I was delighted to see all the cultural references and the comedy applied to it. Quite a show. I tried my best to get a couple of shots of their performances but most were horrible due to the lighting and the distance but I've complied the best ones below.
Politicians always get quite the focus, as well as at least one scene dedicated to our royalty. Otherwise, it's comments on things that happens to everyone or that you could at least see if you were to take a stroll around Copenhagen. It's quite the spectacle and a great current cultural comment as they always focus on events that has happened with in the last twelve months. Other than the five actors slash comedians eight wonderful dancers from the ballet joined them on screen as well and one of the female dancers even got handed a layered cake during the final bow, so it was probably her birthday. A few slip-ups occurred throughout, which is only to be expected with their very first time performing it.
It's a really nice thing to have outings with your family and it feels like quite a treat when we do it in our family. We usually only go out for dinner if it is in honour of some event or celebration, though we always eat out on holiday, but it makes it feel special. Denmark has so many nuances to it and it's extremely nice to explore your own backyard sometimes and get some spot on references to the culture we all share.
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